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How do you fix a strong mission statement & about us page?

Creative people often shy away from mission statement for the same reason engaged couples delay writing their wedding vows; it's daunting to start writing something so personal. Fortunately, unlike a marriage vow, a brand statement is not a one-time statement, but rather a story that can evolve. You can keep refining it as you grow.

It doesn't matter what field you are active in; people want to know who you are, what is important to you and why they should work with you. A brand mission statement offers potential customers or students a glimpse of your core values, as well as your dedication to your craft. A well-defined statement can even serve as the foundation for your website, content and offering, where everything else – including those tricky ones about us-page – originates from.

The mission ahead

Looking at the 5 W's (+1 H) of web design or copywriting, your mission is your why. It is the heart of your business. It answers the big questions like:

  • Why do you do what you do? Why does your company exist?
  • What are your core values ​​and what is really important to you?
  • What are the pillars of your company, brand or idea?
  • Who do you serve? Can you formulate your impact?
  • What do you like most about what you do?
  • If you could reduce your goal to as few words as possible, what would it be?

Je about us page on the other hand, your website tells visitors who you are and how qualified you are to bring your mission to life. Oftentimes, creatives tend to say too much here (perhaps they think they need to justify or oversell themselves). Conversely, they are too modest and don't say enough. Fortunately, it's much easier to decide what to share about who you are once you've focused on your why.

01 Reflect on your steps

To get to where you are now, you may have known fear or insecurity. There must have been defining moments that made you choose creativity and entrepreneurship. At those crucial intersections lie some clues about what your core values ​​are. As you think about that, also think about your brand's origin story, how it evolved, and your vision for the future.

02 Write down what inspires you – and what doesn't

It can also be helpful to pay attention to the brands and creators you admire and how they approach their brand mission statements. Do some research on brands in similar industries, as well as companies you regularly come across. Whose values ​​can you align with? What resonates?

Also important, what not? Where are their core values ​​missing? Notice when you feel a distaste or judgment coming on. While it can be easy to get bogged down in judgment, especially in today's world of cancel culture, let judgment fuel your mission, rather than shame others.

03 Provide an outside perspective

Ask trusted colleagues, colleagues, clients or students what they love about working with you. Find out what they think you bring in and what they think are your core values. Tip: Reaching out can lead to valuable citations or material for reviews.

04 Go outside, in general

We already told you about it in this article, but it helps to give yourself space. Step away from your busy work week, deadlines, emails and daily routine to take the pressure off your task. Just make sure you have a notebook handy where you can jot down any ideas that come to mind, no matter how insignificant they seem. Watch for recurring themes. Good luck!

Questions and/or suggestions? Feel free to contact us!

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How do you fix a strong mission statement & about us page?

* External lunch is organized by us at a selection of restaurants in the area (max 5 min walk)