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Boost your creativity with these four tools

Everyone is creative. Yes you too. By the way, we are not talking about making a painting, but about creative thinking. We all need to think creatively in our daily lives, but we often do this unconsciously. When we think of creativity, we quickly come to people like Mozart, Picasso, Einstein – people with well-known talent. In our culture, the idea is that only certain people are creative. You are or you are not. Well, that's not right.

Creativity is defined as the ability to form new ideas and everyone does that every day. In fact, creative thinking is as natural to humans as swimming is to a fish. Yes really. Just think of all the times you hosted a dinner party, put together a birthday present, or wrote a speech. Creative thinking is in your system! According to Mark Twain, creative thinking is a learning process; you mind is a muscle that you can train and control. The trick is simply to combine all your thoughts, images, facts and experiences. Do not worry; this sounds harder than it is. So here are four tools to routinely promote your creative ability!

01 | Get out and meet more people

We all tend to surround ourselves with people who are similar to us and have the same outlook on life. However, this means that our mind getting a little 'lazy'. Our assumptions are not questioned and our views are often reinforced. If you take the time to get out and about and meet new people—especially more diverse people who aren't quite like you—you can question your assumptions. Without realizing it, you start to think wider and see things differently.

02 | Grab new opportunities and try new things

What do you do if you don't know how something works? bingo, you are going to look for solutions. It's really worth challenging yourself by learning a new skill, or doing something you find difficult, if only for the effect it will have on you. mind

03 | Do something new or something old in a brand new way

In other words, get out of your routine. As Picasso said, "I always do what I can't do so I can learn how to do it." 

04 | go for a walk

Perhaps a little unexpected in this list, but walking forces you to slow down and helps you notice things. Those things become raw forms of creativity. Science has shown that walking outdoors improves memory and attention. Cognitive skills such as memory, planning, and information processing decline almost in parallel with the ability to walk fluently. At its most basic level, walking literally makes you feel like you're moving forward, which is the perfect antidote to all those times when you're not sure how to move forward. Walk it out!

Creativity simply requires that we use our imagination to solve problems. You really don't have to sign to do that. In fact, you don't even have to think about it anymore. It will come naturally. Just think about that. 

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Networking event April 6

Expand your network at Space to Create! Come to our free networking drink on Thursday 6 April.

Boost your creativity with these four tools

* External lunch is organized by us at a selection of restaurants in the area (max 5 min walk)